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Il femminismo critico per re-immaginare una narrativa di genere nello sviluppo organizzativo

2024 - Franco Angeli

P. 29-47

Il contributo si sofferma sulla crescente ricerca sul Diversity management (DM) e le sue implicazioni per l'equità di genere, in particolare sul contesto italiano. Sebbene il DM sia riconosciuto come una scelta strategica vitale per le organizzazioni a livello globale, il suo sviluppo in Italia assume un focus predominante sulle questioni della forza lavoro femminile. Di fatto queste ultime, sebbene siano generalmente più istruite degli uomini, affrontano tassi di occupazione più bassi, che si restringono ulteriormente con l'aumentare del numero di figli e tendono ad avere un reddito più basso, data la precarietà dei loro contratti lavorativi, lo sbilanciamento di genere nei settori economici e la scarsa possibilità di ricoprire posizioni. [Testo dell'editore]

The contribution focuses on the growing research on Diversity Management (DM) and its implications for gender equity, particularly in the Italian context. Although DM is recognized as a vital strategic choice for organizations globally, its development in Italy takes a predominant focus on issues regarding the female workforce. In fact, despite being generally more educated than men, women face lower employment rates, which further narrow with an increase in the number of children, and tend to have lower income due to the precariousness of their employment contracts, gender imbalance in economic sectors, and limited opportunities for advancement.

Within the theoretical framework, critical feminism focuses on dismantling patriarchal organizational structures, emphasizing reflection on privilege, structural reform for emancipation, increased gender awareness, and the reconstruction of solidarity. Simultaneously, social constructionism, rooted in the formulation of claims and narrative analysis, underscores the contextual and interactive nature of issues. Previous studies highlight the need for a contextual understanding of DM approaches, and it is in this regard that the present research aims to contribute. The study employs narrative inquiry to understand perceptions of gender equity in organizations in Vicenza.

Fifteen semi-structured interviews with human resource managers and/or union representatives will explore policies and organizational practices promoting gender equity. Subsequently, three digital storytelling workshops will be organized with staff from organizations demonstrating virtuous practices, allowing them to share their experiences. This effort aims to examine and disseminate organizational models for improving gender equity practiced by businesses in Vicenza. The research aims to contribute to developing greater awareness and understanding of gender equity in Vicenza's organizations and to provide insights and tools for promoting positive organizational change. [Publisher's text]

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Educational reflective practices : 1, 2024