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Designing embedded assessment in Higher Education workshops : a pilot study with preservice teachers

2023 - Franco Angeli

21-35 p.

Assessment is one of the most controversial and difficult topics to deal with in the context of Higher Education. The following contribution aims to present the proposal of Embedded Assessment within the Didactics workshops included in the Degree Course in Primary Education, which are configured as a mediating activity between Courses and Apprenticeship. Starting from the framework of Pellerey's (2004) trifocal perspective, the trajectories of observation and monitoring of the workshop have been rethought based on the triangulated system of objective, subjective and intersubjective dimensions of assessment. From this point of view, our assessment shows the objectives to be achieved and suggests which strategies and operational proposals to put in place to enable students to orchestrate a series of skills and competences and knowledge necessary for the achievement of the envisaged objectives.

When this formative focus translates into the constant effort to turn every teaching activity into an opportunity for assessment, we enter the logic of assessment as learning. [Publisher's Text].

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Education Sciences & Society : 1, 2023