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Dal Pra e Kierkegaard

2024 - Franco Angeli

P. 211-228

  • Dal Pra and Kierkegaard. The article aims at accounting for a still neglected but not marginal aspect in Dal Pra's broad activity as a historian of philosophy. In 1951 Dal Pra wrote the introduction to Kierkegaard's last work, dedicated to the polemic with the Danish Church and of which an Italian translation by Antonio Banfi had already come out in 1931. That brief writing, along with a series of publishing initiatives that Dal Pra planned with the publisher Bocca in the mid-­1950s, testifies to Dal Pra's interest in Kierkegaard, which can be explained in light of his «transcendentalism of praxis», but also as a moment of religious crisis that had significant philosophical implications for his intellectual biography. At any event, Kierkegaard would still be present to Dal Pra many years later, in a more occasional manner but not without interest in order to focus, more in general, on the view of the history of philosophy that characterizes his historiographic work as a whole. [Publisher's Text].

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Rivista di storia della filosofia : LXXIX, 1, 2024