"Linea d'ombra" e "linea limite" della conoscenza Horizont, Grenzlinie e Weltbegriff nella Critica della ragion pura
27-40 p.
In Transzendentale Methodenlehre, Kant defines and analyses a central philosophical problem in Kritik der reinen Vernunft: the notion of "limit line" (Grenzlinie) in connection with unlimited "horizon" (Horizont) of our knowledge. From this perspective, the determination of the limits of human reason is configured in a negative horizon as a treatise of the critical-transcendental method, aimed both at constituting a philosophy of limit and at tracing the conditions of possibility of knowledge in relation to its limits and its internal constitutive structure. The specific and authentic purpose of Kant's critical philosophy is to search and analyze: a) the origin of human knowledge; b) the extension of the use of our knowledge; c) the sources, principles and conditions of possibility of human knowledge; d) the limits of human reason. [Publisher's text].
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Società degli individui : 77, 2, 2023-
Articles du même numéro (disponibles individuellement)
Code DOI : 10.3280/LAS2023-077003
ISSN: 1972-5752
- Transcendental philosophy, reason, knowledge, horizon, limit line