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L'Evangeliario di Sibilla di Fiandra : un'aggiunta alla produzione dello scriptorium di Saint-Bertin a Saint-Omer

2021 - L'Erma di Bretschneider

P. 37-48

The Gospel Book of Sybil of Flanders: An Addition to the Production of the Scriptorium of Saint-Bertin in Saint-OmerThe collections of the Hessisches Landesmuseum of Darmstadt include an illuminated Gospel book (n. AE 682) which is usually dated to the central decades of the 12th century and localized in the region between Liège and Saint-Omer. The back of the manuscript is adorned with an elaborate gilded silver plate on which are applied eight Mosan champlevé enamels and an ivory relief which, like the manuscript, is normally attributed to Liège or Saint-Omer. Despite the remarkable quality and originality of its painted decoration, the Gospel book, overshadowed by its ostentatious binding, has never received much scholarly consideration. An accurate exam of its material and artistic features allows now to reconsider the circumstances in which the volume was crafted, as well as to reach a better understanding of the multiple deletions and additions to which it was later subjected. [Publisher's text]

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Rivista di storia della miniatura : 25, 2021