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Dual marketers and sustainability communication : Empirical evidence from corporate websites

2018 - Franco Angeli

41-68 p.

Although companies frequently sell to both end-consumers and business customers, the practice of dual marketing has been scarcely studied in the marketing literature. Despite the increasing interest in corporate sustainability, no studies have provided systematic observations regarding these types of companies and their sustainability communication activities. Drawing on a thorough review of the literature, this article aims to fill this gap with an empirical contribution focused on evaluating whether dual marketers adopt appropriate sustainability communication in the digital context. Using the OSEC model, the corporate websites of 174 companies included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Word Index (DJSWI) 2015 were assessed. Our findings revealed a positive outlook, highlighting a significant commitment to sustainability disclosure.

However, they show a pragmatic approach to legitimacy, as they are not strongly characterized by a strategic orientation and do not show a strong commitment to stakeholder interaction and engagement. These results provide indications for helping dual marketers improve their digital sustainability communication. [Publishers' text].

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Mercati e competitività : 3, 2018