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Sicurezza urbana e grandi eventi : le Unità di Polizia di Pacificazione nelle favelas di Rio de Janeiro

2016 - Franco Angeli

163-179 p.

The Police Pacification Units (UPP) started their activity in Rio de Janeiro from 2008 to decrease the ostensive violence in the favelas by gangs' drug trafficking, because of the mega-events that Rio has hosted in the last decade, including FIFA World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016. Through the evaluation of the first results due to the presence of UPP in the favelas and the spatial analysis of their location in the city, the authors argue that this policing operation is favoring a model of segregation between a privileged center and an excluded periphery.

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Sicurezza e scienze sociali : IV, 1, 2016