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A model of urban ecological security in ordinary cities : evidences from the Milan case

2015 - Franco Angeli

P. 29-41 p.

  • In the last decade, cities has clearly emerged as the places where the challenge posed by climate change and constraints on energy and environmental resources will be won or lost. According to Hodson and Marvin (2009), world cities tend to conform their visions, strategies and policies around a common paradigm of environmental security and sustainability, named "Secure Urbanism and Resilient Infrastructure" (SURI), based on the strategic protection of cities, a new autarky and the development of global urban agglomerations. What about ordinary cities? This case study on Milan offers a very interesting test field to provide how the SURI model does not fit ordinary cities. Results show that Milan still lacks of a recognized and legitimized subject, capable of coordinating a process of urban visioning and narrative building; at the same time an alternative paradigm emerges, based on bottom-up initiatives.

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Economics and Policy of Energy and Environment : 1, 2015