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Luigi Einaudi e Alberto Beneduce : divergenze e convergenze nei decenni dello Stato interventista

2024 - Franco Angeli

55-79 p.

The article analyzes the relationship between Alberto Beneduce and Luigi Einaudi, when they were protagonists of the economic and political debate between the two world wars. Although starting from different standpoints, with political, economic and cultural divergences sometimes resulting in public controversies, Einaudi and Beneduce were often in agreement in the diagnosis of the problems of the Italian economy, they both worked to keep Italy within the international financial circuits, they were capable of developing networks of economists and managers, they became interpreters of an economic vision based on a central role of the institutions. Convergences and divergences between the two protagonists offer an insight into the problems and innovations, such as public intervention into the economy, faced by the Italian elite between the two world conflicts. [Publisher's Text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : 54, 1, 2024