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Il ritorno della questione della casa in Europa

2023 - Franco Angeli

P. 7-21

The old and never fully resolved Wohnungsfrage is back in Europe. The exponential growth of house prices and rents, and the crisis of the home-ownership model put the "hous-ing question" back on the agenda. Even there, where, as in the German-speaking countries and northern Europe, a different orientation has been chosen, focusing on renting and cooperative ownership, signs of a gigantic malaise and housing demand that remains unfulfilled are ap-pearing, as the case of the Berlin referendum on the expropriation of large property ownership has shown. The long-forgotten issue of public housing and its role in the balanced growth of the city thus resurfaces. In the section of the review that these pages introduce, an initial explo-ration is attempted through four reflections on this complex web of problems. [Publisher's text]

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Sociologia urbana e rurale : XLV, 131, 2023