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Secolarizzazione : a che punto siamo? : un bilancio in cinque tappe

2022 - Franco Angeli

9-20 p.

In this interview José Casanova, one of the leading figures in the new secularization debate, gives an overview of it by answering five major questions. To begin with, he explains (1) how important was for him, while writing Public Religions in the Modern World, the sense that he was operating at a propitious moment for a paradigm shift in theory and practice; (2) what exactly was the secularization he was arguing against; (3) the points of connection between how secularization is understood and the different takes on political secularism; (4) the usefulness or value of the concept of secularization today; (5) the epistemic gains of the new secularization debate and the predictable future of idéeforces of the now provincialized European tradition such as religion, belief, secularity, secularism, spirituality, magic, superstition, etc. [Publisher's text].

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