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Hannah Arendt e Rahel Varnhagen : la narrazione come laboratorio filosofico

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 536-577

The aim of this article is to show how in her youthful work Rahel Varnhagen. The Life of a Jewess, Hannah Arendt develops some of the ideas in her later philosophy. The Author first clarifies Arendt's strategy in her interpretation of Rahel's life. She then identifies the fil rouge of her biography in the dialectic between diversity and the need for normality, between instability and stability, a life "without an umbrella", without a shelter, and the need and search for a shelter, between being a Jewess and rejecting her Jewishness. In narrating Rahel Varnhagen's life, Arendt deals with the following philosophical topics: the difference between who and what, the notion of the space of society and its difference from the space of politics, the stress on nontraditional ways of thinking and knowing and on the possible and the new. [Publisher's text]

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Rivista di storia della filosofia : LXXVII, 3, 2022