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Gamer/girl : strategie di negoziazione della femminilità nel campo videoludico di Twitch Italia

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 111-130

Gamer/girl. Strategies for negotiating femininity in the gaming field of Twitch Italy Video game culture developed as a male territory, where female presence has always created strife. The present article offers a reconstruction in four phases of the conflicts surrounding female gamers in order to frame the current situation. Twitch represents a privileged space to observe transformations in gaming culture as it reintroduces corporeality into gaming, seen as a spectator activity. The research explores the negotiation strategies deployed by female streamers to assert their right to a full citizenship in the field, focusing on two dimensions: managing femininity and contrasting toxicity. [Publisher's text]

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Sociologia della comunicazione : 63, 1, 2022