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Fammi Capire : una ricerca tra le rappresentazioni di corpi, affettività e sessualità negli albi illustrati, per decostruire stereotipi e pregiudizi

2020 - Franco Angeli

P. 484-507

FAMMI CAPIRE (Let me understand) is a project born in 2016. It is the productof a reflection on picture books as educational and training tools and on howpicture books for 0-18 years, in Italy and in Europe, represent and narrate bodies,genders and sexualities and all that is connected to these themes: desire, pleasure,relationships, curiosities, questions and emotions.From the historical books of the Sixties to the most recent publications, approaches,styles, themes are outlined and sterotypes, taboos, rigid gender normsare identified that feed and survive among the pages. There are few cases whoquestion the dominant heteronormativity that feeds marginalization and discrimination,the binarism that stigmatizes and silences the existence of non-conformingsubjects and the questions that come with the approach to these issues.

Sanitarisationthat ejects pleasure, desire, emotions and relationships from these issuesprevails.A work whose outcomes precisely question the educational domain and theschool, times and approaches dedicated to bodies and sexuality in a school thatdenies them, sanctions them, invisibilizes them and normalizes them. [Publisher's text]

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Education Sciences & Society : 2, 2020