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Il George Floyd Justice in Policing Act : dalla revisione della Qualified Immunity al dibattito sul De-tasking police : una sfida per le polizie nella società contemporanea

2021 - Franco Angeli

67-92 p.

Legislative initiatives on the American police reform, incorporated into the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, provide for greater openness to ethnic communities and recognition of civil rights. The central ideas in the reform concern the fight against "systemic racism" and the modification of the legal institution of qualified immunity, to which the most recent studies on constitutional originalism are contributing. The new rules also aim to reduce the police's "militarised structures", by introducing investigation mechanisms and consultation procedures with representatives of civil rights movements that are very active in American society. The theme leads to considering the origins and more general aspects of the relationship between society and police, by evaluating the experiences of the new models of "community police", which are based on "detasking police", i.e., a different scenario for approaching police problems that could also have repercussions on the European security model. [Publisher's text]


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Sociologia del diritto : 1, 2021