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Politiche sanitarie e formazione manageriale nella Regione Marche : il quadro istituzionale

2021 - Franco Angeli

23-38 p.

Starting from Bill N502/92, and ramping up after the constitutional reform of 2001, corporatization, regionalization of public health and management training can be taken as terms that define a relationship of reciprocity capable of influencing the development of regional healthcare services, and more broadly, the culture tied to the workings of healthcare. The essay purports to underline how the experience of the Marche region represents an example of striking a balance between autonomist and universalist instances. Such an experience has been able to conjugate a regionalist perspective of management training with the underlaying universality logic of the Italian NHS.This contribution focuses on two aspects: Regional healthcare policies and the governance model of management training for healthcare administration.

With cooperative federalism as a background, reconstructing the institutional framework of management training in healthcare allows to capitalize on the experiences made over the years in light of a virtous harmony with the processes of reform of the NHS and local healthcare system [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XX, 1, 2021