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Individuo, società e mercato : i cattolici italiani e lo Stato leggero

2014 - Editoriale Scientifica

585-603 p.

This note develops a reflection on the revival of the Catholic presence in Italian society and politics. Starting from suggestions offered by the "Appello politico agli italiani. Un Paese smarrito e la speranza di un popolo" by the Osservatorio internazionale "Cardinale Van Thuan" sulla Dottrina sociale della Chiesa, the author identifies the right path for Catholics to become again "salt of the earth" in fundamental principles of life, family and freedom of education. The first step to make this true is to analyse two mistakes made by politically active Catholics: the lost of principle of subsidiarity and the unreasonable fear of free market economy. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : VI, 3, 2014