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Dalla Grecia ai migranti : verso un concetto di crisi proprio dell'Unione europea?

2019 - Editoriale Scientifica

266-300 p.

This article starts from the well-known difficulty in tracing a shared and accurate meaning of the word "crisis" in social sciences as the starting point for a double test. First, it aims at verifying if a concept of crisis, which is peculiar of the European integration process can be said to exist through the comparative analysis of researches on the history of European integration process itself. The resulting concept is then tested against two most recent crises the EU has occurred in, the Greek crisis and the migrant crisis. The result is mixed: if it is difficult to trace a common definition of what a crisis is in the EEC/EU, it is not a good news for the EU itself and its capacity of managing crisis respecting its fundamental values of inclusiveness and solidarity. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : XI, 2, 2019