2018 - Editoriale Scientifica
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Alle radici della ragionevolezza : a partire dalle lezioni di Rawls sull'imperativo categorico ad Harvard
150-171 p.
Re-reading Rawls' Introduction to the paperback edition of Political Liberalism for an understanding of the "kantian turn". Difference between the "political conception of justice"and the pluralism of reasonable comprehensive doctrines. The relation between the criterion of reciprocity, reasonable (as intrinsic normative and moral ideal) and categorical imperative. This problem refers to the possibility of an interpretation of the original position in light of the reasonable. Primary goods and the "conception of free personality" as normative connotations of a constitutional democracy. Beginning with Rawls'teaching on categorical imperative in the Lectures at Harvard University. [Publisher's text].
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Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : X, 1, 2018-
Artículos del mismo número (disponibles individualmente)
ISSN: 2037-0520
- Rawls, Reasonable, original position, categorical imperative, Highest-order interests