Digital Version

Sui cambiamenti nell'ethos delle misure per l'inclusione nell'Ue : verso un nuovo inizio o solo una falsa ripartenza?

2017 - Editoriale Scientifica

719-773 p.

  • The article analyzes the historical evolution of documents from EU institutions in the field of the combat to social exclusion, from documents of the Delors Commission to the recent adoption of the European pillar of social rights up to recent jurisprudence by the ECJ on the subject. It aims to reconstruct the different ethos, which underpin and inspire EU action in the field. If we define "ethos" as shared values and socially accepted norms of an organized community, the article tries to derive this from the evolution in the different categories of individuals which are considered "excluded" in EU documents. This should allow us to detect values and features of subject members of the European society which is promoted at EU level and the degree of solidarity we can get from it. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : IX, 3, 2017