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Il fenomeno del vandalismo : dal vandalismo tradizionale al vandalismo in doppio petto

2017 - Franco Angeli

82-110 p.

The theme of vandalism is undoubtedly of great breadth and complexity and is usually focused on the question of illegality, crime and their prevention. The areas of action of vandalism range from the micro dimension to the large scale, from the deliberate gesture to the absolute lack of meaning, from the economic motivations to the claims or to the artistic gesture. Next to this review of "traditional" vandalism we wanted to place a "double-breasted vandalism", drawing inspiration from the pioneering reflections of Antonio Cederna, which is not rooted in deprivation or degraded socio-territorial context but in privileged and socially guaranteed areas which have as the ultimate goal profit, self-assertion, achievement of criminal goals, when not professional self-referentiality. It is a vandalism that often, far from provoking social disapproval, acquires merit as a "modernizing gesture" and development. Consequence of this vandalism is the sack that has occurred and is still under way in large portions of our

country's territory. [Publishers' text].

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Prisma : economia, società, lavoro : 1/2, 2017