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Dal dilemma di Pelasgo al dramma contemporaneo : ospitalità e pratiche di inclusione

2018 - Franco Angeli

19-30 p.

The following article reflect on the philosophical journey of some double-threaded concepts with the theme of intercontinental migration. According to Paul Ric{oelig}ur, this theme creates new crosses of space and time against which the political configurations of the post-colonial era are located, while on the other, migrations represent the scenario where entire populations are pushed towards regions of the globe where more social justice and better living conditions are concentrated. It is from this context that the proliferation of what Ric{oelig}ur calls «new forms of exile» is generated. The exile has ancient roots, takes on a central value in Greek-Roman culture and since the Hellenistic era it is a form of cosmopolitanism ante litteram. The tragedy Suppliants of Aeschylus is reported as a significant starting point for an analysis of contemporary implications. [Publishers' text].

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Società degli individui : 61, 1, 2018