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Il cibo che attrae : turismo internazionale e consumi alimentari

2018 - Franco Angeli

57-67 p.

The article draws attention to the topic of the food tourist-attraction in contemporary cities by reading the results of a comparative secondary analysis conducted by the authors on the survey "International tourism in Italy" carried out by the Bank of Italy in 2002 and 2015. In the first part of the essay, attention is paid to changes in consumption and total and food expenditure of the international tourists in Italy during 2002-2015. In the second part are depicted the consumption profiles of the international tourists. The general purpose of the study is to analyze changes in international tourism demand in terms of consumption and food expenditure and to highlight the new trends in Italy. [Publishers' text].

Forma parte de

Sociologia urbana e rurale : XL, 115 supplemento, 2018