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Saperi ambientali, urbanistici e decisioni politiche in Italia dalla seconda metà dell'Ottocento al tempo presente

2017 - Franco Angeli

67-83 p.

The essay aims to analyze the relationship between experts and politics in contemporary Italy. The author adopts a periodization divided into threes. The first (1870-1942) was characterized by the ability of technocracies to transfer into the Italian public debate cosmopolitan instances andanslate them into concrete achievements thanks to effective lobbying action. The second (1950-1980) was characterized by the progressive lossfluence of the experts. The third (from 1980 to the present time) has differentiated itself from the other because, despite the deepening crisis ofelationship between experts and politics, technocratic achievements have been implemented thanks to the role of supranational institutions, especially the European Union. [Publishers' text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : XVI, 1, 2017