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Il senso del luogo fra trasformazione e autenticità : il caso di via del Campo a Genova

2017 - Franco Angeli

37-55 p.

The article analyzes the "sense of place" using as a case-study the area of 'via del Campo', a narrow street in the historic centre of Genoa (Italy). The research is based on the analysis of the different perspectives of various actors that live and experience the street. Particularly, through interviews, field observation and other qualitative methodologies, three different fra-ming perspectives - among the many possible - have been detected, labelling them "mythical", "everyday" and "tourist" space. Eventually, the paper emphasizes the partiality and the subjec-tivity of the idea of "authenticity" in the urban sphere, and it highlights the subjective, socially constructed and fragmented nature of the sense of place. [Publishers' text].

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Sociologia urbana e rurale : XXXIX, 114, 2017