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Evaluating tourist behaviour in sport mega-events through a structural equation model

2017 - Franco Angeli

101-126 p.

In defining destination marketing strategies, a specific role is played by megaevents as critical tool to improve the economic development. In tourism marketing literature, researchers have analysed the holistic perspective of tourist behaviour to understand the factors that influence the level of satisfaction and the intentional behaviours. Accordingly, the paper aimed at analysing relationships among destination image, event satisfaction and tourist behavioural intentions in sport mega-event. Six research hypotheses have been formulated and empirically tested by using structural equation models (Partial Least Squares - PLS approach) on survey data from 304 international tourists who attended the America's Cup World Series in Naples. The findings put in evidence the relevant role of the mega-event to create value for tourist in destination management. [Publisher's Text].

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Mercati e competitività : 3, 2017