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Il contributo del Servizio Sociale alla promozione della continuità assistenziale tra i servizi per i malati in cure palliative : una indagine nella ULSS 4 Alto Vicentino

2017 - Franco Angeli

104-118 p.

In the context of palliative care, characterized by a multi-professional approach that deals with the overall care of the sick person and his family, the assessment of Social Work is part of a broader assessment of needs, aimed at activating interventions aim to encourage continuity of care and collaboration between the different services of the network. The research realized in a Health Agency of the Veneto Region, in the period September 2012 - February 2014, was used to know and develop the social skills in the field of protected discharge and draw up a communication protocol, which was adopted by the entire professional community of social workers, to taking charge of the patient with complex chronic and palliative care program. The results showed that a shared mode and participatory evaluation of the need may support home care, reduce residential projects and facilitate the proper use of places in hospice. [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XVI, 3, 2017