2016 - Franco Angeli
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La cassa integrazione guadagni e l'illusione del welfare nell'Italia del dopoguerra (1941-1968)
119-138 p.
The history of postwar Italy has been characterized by the extreme weakness of social policies against joblessness. Rather than investing in standard unemployment insurance, the country's welfare system overly relied on the earnings integration fund, an industrial policy instrument that was adapted to tackle structural employment problems. The paper sheds light on this anomaly, tracking the history of fund from its origins in 1941 to the reform of 1968, which introduced the new special management and sanctioned the permanent transformation of the institution in an unemployment policy device. [Publisher's Text].
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Storia e problemi contemporanei : 72, 2, 2016-
Artículos del mismo número (disponibles individualmente)
Código DOI: 10.3280/SPC2016-072008
ISSN: 1120-4206