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Dinamiche di apprendimento collaborativo nella didattica telematica universitaria

2016 - Franco Angeli

126-145 p.

The last years have seen a strong increase in the offering of on-line courses by Italian universities (105 courses, about 56.000 students enrolled in 2016), among who teach in universities many have found themselves to re-design their courses for Learning Management Systems (LMS). The requirements for course accreditation and the LMS constrains have given rise to a re-conceptualization of the teaching models in a complex and multidisciplinary context. The aim of this work is to investigate this scenario assuming that the reconceptualization of university teaching for on-line structures triggered a community of practice (CoP) that animates the search for effective and sustainable models. The first step of the research is a questionnaire to find out the key features of a CoP, the early results seem to confirm the existence of informal learning dynamics, common objectives and an interdisciplinary identity dimension typical of communities of practice, while the borders perception and the relations with the outsid

e looks more nuanced and yet to be explored [Publisher's Text].

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Educational reflective practices : 2, 2016