Contrastare l'ipocrisia : considerazioni sulla vergogna nel controtransfert
47-69 p.
The Author examines the countertransference characteristics in the case of traumatic situations that strike the analyst, forcing to confront himself with the sense of life frailty and transience. The narcissistic axis risks suffering cracks and mutilations, that can heavily interfere with the therapeutic contract and with the relational field. This paper focuses on countertransference feeling of shame. This affect on one hand signals a distance breakdown between the Self and the other, but on the other it can have a structural value, preserving the analytical couple from insensibility and ambiguity fall. The recognition of countertransference envy and shame is a necessary passage to oppose the fatal attraction toward conventional hypocrisy (Freud, 1915), that menaces thought vitality. The A. proposes a clinical vignette to illustrate her ethical, conceptual and technical position about the peculiar countertransference problems of this situation. [Publisher's Text].
Forma parte de
Studi junghiani : rivista semestrale dell'Associazione italiana di Psicologia Analitica : 30, 2, 2009-
Artículos del mismo número (disponibles individualmente)
Código DOI: 10.3280/JUN2009-030003
ISSN: 1971-8411
- Vergogna, controtransfert, malattia dell'analista, vergogna dell'analista, ipocrisia convenzionale, ambiguità
- Shame, countertransference, analyst's illness, analyst's shame, conventional hypocrisy, ambiguità