Cellerino, Alessandra


Preliminary report on the third season of excavation of the Iranian-Italian Joint Expedition in Khuzestan at Kal-e Chendar, Shami (8th campaign, 2015)

PDF 2018 - Fabrizio Serra Editore

Forma parte de

Parthica : incontri di culture nel mondo antico : 20, 2018
Opciones de uso
Lectura en streaming NO Descarga NO Copiar/pegar NO Impresión
EUR 25,00
IVA excluido

Preliminary report on the second season of excavation of the Iranian-Italian Joint Expedition in Khuzestan at Kal-e Chendar, Shami (7th campaign, 2014)

PDF 2017 - Fabrizio Serra Editore

Forma parte de

Parthica : incontri di culture nel mondo antico : 19, 2017
Opciones de uso
Lectura en streaming NO Descarga NO Copiar/pegar NO Impresión
EUR 25,00
IVA excluido

Preliminary report on the first season of excavation of the Iranian–Italian Joint Expedition in Khuzestan at Kal–e Chendar, Shami (6th campaign, 2013)

PDF 2016 - Fabrizio Serra Editore

Forma parte de

Parthica : incontri di culture nel mondo antico : 18, 2016
Opciones de uso
Lectura en streaming NO Descarga NO Copiar/pegar NO Impresión
EUR 25,00
IVA excluido

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