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Condizione lavorativa, uso delle ICT e invecchiamento : una indagine descrittiva-correlazionale del contesto italiano

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 64-79

This article presents the results of a quantitative research on the relationship between work background and digital media use among older people. The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between gender, employment status and professional level, and the technological equipment, skills, use and appropriation processes of ICT by older people. A sample of 900 Italians between 65 and 74 years old has been used for quantitative analysis. From the results it emerges that gender, working condition and professional level differently influence technological equipment, frequency of use of Internet, PC and Social Networks, while gender, income and educational qualification determine IT competence. The discussion highlighted the importance of the life and work trajectory in influencing the processes digital media domestication. Finally, the limitations of the research were discussed and future developments suggested. [Publisher's text]

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Salute e società : XXI, 3, 2022