2016 - Editoriale Scientifica
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La pace di genere tra emancipazione e liberazione : dagli anni Cinquanta dell'Ottocento alla vigilia del primo conflitto mondiale
357-397 p.
This work reconstructs the event of women's commitment for peace in the USA and Europe from the fifties of nineteenth century until the eve of the First World War. It is based on the contributions by Bertha Von Suttner, Grimké sisters, Julia Ward Howe, Marie Goegg and Priscilla Peckover, among others. The article highlights the particular perspective on the gender in the problem of war and the roads to peace. The issue on gender peace is closely connected with the women's dedication to the femminist cause. [Publisher's text].
Articles from the same issue (available individually)
ISSN: 2037-0520
- Gender peace, Emancipation, Liberation, Us, Europe