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La pratica dello sviluppo organizzativo clinico : il caso Unilever Italia

2019 - Franco Angeli

39-107 p.

La pratica dello Sviluppo organizzativo è il prodotto di una riflessione sviluppatasi in momenti e contesti diversi intorno ad esperienze, ampie e protratte nel tempo, di intervento consulenziale in grandi aziende di cultura manageriale. In Italia, una delle esperienze più significative è stata quella prodottasi in Unilever Italia a partire dai primi anni '70 fino ai primi anni Duemila, per l'iniziativa di un dipartimento centrale che si avvaleva della collaborazione di un gruppo ristretto e stabile di consulenti di cultura psicodinamica e in particolare psico-socioanalitica, per offrire alle divisioni locali un servizio consulenziale dedicato e finalizzato a sostenere l'azione del management nella gestione di problemi di diversa natura, dalla gestione del cambiamento al ridisegno organizzativo e, più in generale, allo sviluppo degli individui e dei gruppi a diversi livelli dell'organizzazione.

Questo saggio presenta, in forma ridotta, i risultati di una ricerca basata sulla ricca documentazione esistente e su interviste ad alcuni dei testimoni di quella esperienza. [Testo dell'editore].

The practice of Clinical Organisation Development. The Unilever Italy case. Organization Development ("O.D.") is the product of a reflection developed in different period and contexts around wide and lasting experiences of consulting intervention inside big companies with managerial culture. In Italy, one of the most significant experience took place in Unilever Italy since early 1970s to the beginning of the years 2000, on the initiative of a central department that benefited from the collaboration of a small and permanent team of consultants with a psychodynamic and psycho-social analytical approach, in order to offer to their local companies a consulting service customized and designed to support management to address a large variety of issues, e.g. change management, organisational redesign or, more generally, people and team development at the different levels of organisa-tion.

This essay submits, partly reduced, the results of a research based on the rich existing documentation and on the interviews with some witnesses of that experience. [Publisher's text].

The practice of Clinical Organisation Development. The Unilever Italy case. Organization Development ("O.D.") is the product of a reflection developed in different period and contexts around wide and lasting experiences of consulting intervention inside big companies with managerial culture. In Italy, one of the most significant experience took place in Unilever Italy since early 1970s to the beginning of the years 2000, on the initiative of a central department that benefited from the collaboration of a small and permanent team of consultants with a psychodynamic and psycho-social analytical approach, in order to offer to their local companies a consulting service customized and designed to support management to address a large variety of issues, e.g. change management, organisational redesign or, more generally, people and team development at the different levels of organisa-tion. This essay submits, partly reduced, the results of a research based on the rich existing documentation and on the interviews wi

th some witnesses of that experience. [Publisher's text].

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Educazione sentimentale : 32, 2, 2019