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L'intervento psicosociale con il paziente oncologico e la sua rete di supporto : l'opportunità di coinvolgere l'assistente sociale

2020 - Franco Angeli

143-156 p.

Evidence of many studies shows how the occurrence of a disease has a negative impact on various aspects of the patient's life and his family. This study took into account the needs of family caregivers, and also tried to analyze the territorial resources made available by the welfare system in a health district placed in the North-Eastern region of Italy. The research involved 89 caregivers of patients took in charge by the oncology day hospital and the home palliative care service. The methods used were the following: socio-anagraphic questionnaire, Distress Thermometer and Carer Support Needs Assessment Tools, in order to measure the needs of the patients, their level of distress and to recognize the needs of the caregivers and the level of burden they were experimenting.

The results highlight how the absence of the availability of social workers in wards or services other than home palliative care has negative effects on the family. A need for psychosocial support emerges, which can ease the burden on the family caregiver. The findings converge in stressing that the use of social workers in oncology departments should become systematic. [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XIX, 1, 2020