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La parabola del controtransfert

2007 - Franco Angeli

5-13 p.

The Author takes his long experience as an analyst as a starting point to set a sort of psychodrama, in order to speak about countertransference. He points out the essential difference between it and the transference, an almost necessary element in the elaboration of the analytical dynamics. Countertransference doesn't possess this characteristic, but can enter all the same (and even more) in the game of the therapeutic relationship: the analyst is supposed to be very careful to avoid any negative involvement. On the contrary, the use of countertransference in a positive sense (by avoiding any possibility of plagiarism, even remote) becomes useful and part of the relationship of agape, that is the ground of any authentic relationship of analysis. [Publisher's Text].

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Studi junghiani : rivista semestrale dell'Associazione italiana di Psicologia Analitica : 25, 1, 2007