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La violenza negli stadi : il modello italiano per la sicurezza

2015 - Franco Angeli

P. 85-100 p.

Over the last three decades, the spread of football - that is a sport involving a really wide and heterogeneous public, as well as animated by strong passions - has often gone hand in hand with the spread of violence phenomena. In order to manage these phenomena, Institutions have been forced to adopt several measures aimed at reducing the number of incidents inside and outside the stadium. The paper aims to describe the evolution of the violence phenomena through the analysis of some significant indicators. From a methodological point of view, it carried out a quantitative analysis of official data. Even though the research doesn't allow us to deduce any causal implication in respect of the new rules efficacy, it shows some interesting trends in the development of violence phenomena. At the same time, it highlights some policies indications for the public debate.

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 62, 2, 2015