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Il palazzo come luogo-simbolo del potere : ancora sulla teoria della regalità da Costantino ai Maurini

2023 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 115-131

My initial remarks on Patrizia Lendinara's article Minimal Collections of Glosses: The Twelve Rooms of Thomas' Palace, intended to be an opportunity for a renewed reflection on the extraordinary fortune of the Passio Sancti Thomae, an important but forgotten source for the history of royalty from the fourth to the twelfth century A.D. The Palatium is a major political theme, as it is a symbol of power and its organization. The documents of the imperial monastery of Santa Maria di Farfa preserve significant evidence of this tradition. [Publisher's text]

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Pensiero politico : rivista di storia delle idee politiche e sociali : LVI, 2, 2023