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Studi e ricerche del Parco archeologico di Pompei : 50, 2024
[Pompei I 14 : le unità abitative e i materiali in contesto]

2024 - L'Erma di Bretschneider

P. 1-425

  • The building heritage of the Vesuvian cities still represents a fertile ground for researchers, especially when attention is drawn to lesser-known contexts. The study on insula I 14 exemplifies the potential of this type of research about an unpublished context, which has proven to be foundamental in the reconstruction of the settlement "models" of this urban sector. The analysis of the construction techniques, stratigraphic relationships and decorations made it possible to reconstruct the macro-phases of occupation of the block. The most interesting reflections came from the first period of attendance, while a more detailed analysis of the status quo before 79 AD it was made possible by the recovery of materials. The study of the finds, their distribution and quantity, has allowed to formulate hypotheses on the state of the housing units, and to bring out changes in the use of the spaces in the era before the eruption. [Publisher's text]

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Studi e ricerche del Parco archeologico di Pompei. - Irregolare = Irregular