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La tomba 168 (della coppa di Nestore) di Pithekoussai, o sia della conoscenza incerta

2023 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 7-19

It is discussed what is known so far about the cremation tomb 168 in the Lacco Ameno necropolis, to which the inscribed cup ‘of Nestor' was considered pertinent. The old data are compared with those resulting from new, more sophisticated investigations: the remains turned out to be those of three adult individuals, as well as of animals. Therefore, all the previous reconstructions, based on the alleged burial of an adolescent, fall apart. The examination of the excavation report, especially of the stratigraphic positions, leads us to believe that even what was brought to light was a single tomb in ancient times is wrong: it is proposed that it was a pyre dumping. Considerations on the uncertainty of the knowledge about the ancient world follow. [Publisher's text]

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Parola del passato : rivista di studi antichi : LXXVIII, 1, 2023