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La riflessività della ricerca tra adeguatezza e sfide : uno sguardo metodologico

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 54-74

This paper aims to analyze the reflexivity issue in scientific research practice. Starting from a theoretical reflection on the epistemological and methodological reasons listing reflexivity among the main practical issues of social and evaluative research, the contribution seeks to high-light how the sustainability of reflective research practices actually swings between adequacy and challenges. With particular reference to pragmatic approaches to knowledge, it is believed that the main ele-ments that can undermine reflexivity are the contexts in which the in-vestigation takes place and the language's indexicality. Finally, particular attention is paid to the transactional nature of the evaluative research in which contexts and languages constitute a mix of indisputa-ble relevance, for its effectiveness and quality. [Publisher's text]

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 82, 1, 2022