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L'Adolescent dating aggression : una review sul fenomeno delle violenze di coppia in adolescenza e il contributo della teoria dell'attaccamento

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 76-102

The present review, focused on dating aggression in adolescence, has two ob- jectives: 1) to describe the relational dynamics of adolescent couples in which one partner exercises physical and/or psychological violence towards the other; 2) provide an interpretation of causal factors according to attachment theory. Studies conducted with the attachment framework show that insecure ties with parental figures are at the origin of: a) mental representations of the self and the other that do not allow a correct reading of the intention of others; b) a lack of mentalization, that is, difficulty in understanding the inner processes of others; c) inadequate skills in the regulation of one's own emotions. All these factors deter- mine a risk of violent behavior even within the relationship. [Publisher's text]

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Sociologia e ricerca sociale : 128, 2, 2022