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Tra immaginario e azione politica : la Russia bolscevica nell'anno del governo Nitti (1919-1920)

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 28-49

The essay deals with the political attempt of the Italian government led by Francesco Saverio Nitti between 1919 and 1920 to reinsert Bolshevik Russia in the commercial and international system of post-war Europe. Following a broader plan of democratic revisionism of the treaties, in fact, Nitti was convinced of the impossibility of guaranteeing a solid European peace system without the inclusion of the new revolutionary Russia. To pursue the goal, his action was twofold. Internally, facing the Italian liberal crisis and the harbingers of the Socialist Italian Party split, Nitti strove to convey a new image of Russia through parliamentary action but also propaganda.

On the international level, however, he promoted discussions on the issue with the allies of the Entente trying to under- mine their strong anti-Bolshevik resistance. Although his plan failed on a political level, the transformation of national politics and the subsequent orientation of the Entente countries were drastically modified by his action which allowed the recognition of the Bolshevik government in the following years. [Publisher's text]

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : XXI, 1, 2022