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Manio Manilio, Marco Giumio Bruto, Publio Mucio Scevola : "qui fundaverunt ius civile"

2022 - L'Erma di Bretschneider

308 p.

Includes bibliographical references.

The book seeks to analyze the contribution to the development of Roman Law given by three lawyers active between 150 and 120 b. C., Manilius, Brutus and Publius Mucius. It also aims to clarify in which way they strengthen the law, as their activity is labelled by Sextus Pomponius, a lawyer active around the middle of 2nd century a. C.The research is led through a thorough inquire in life and work of these three lawyers. A further book will be devoted to the analyses of the texts in which their thought on the law is contained, none of which directly survives (their thought is witnessed by successors). The conclusions are that these three lawyers strengthen the law by writing comprehensive books on it, focusing on what was still its basis in the 2nd century b.C., that is to say the law of the 12th Tables. [Publisher's text]

Manius Manilius (active 2nd century B.C.); Marcus Junius Brutus (85 B.C.?-42 B.C.); Publius Mucius Scaevola (c. 176 B.C.–115 B.C.).