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A me stesso fanciullo : sulle due redazioni del sonetto tassiano Padre del cielo

2022 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 77-94

The article proposes a new interpretation of the two versions of Tasso's sonnet Padre del Cielo, pointing out the accurate and so far never noticed lexical echo with two meaningful letters from Bernardo Tasso (printed in the years immediately following both editions) to Vittoria Colonna and Marcantonio Flaminio; the sonnet turned towards the period of more passionate and dramatic fervor of the theological controversy with regard to mercy. The historical and doctrinal exemplarity of that sonnet, of the rewriting as a “literary process” thus stands out at the beginning and the conclusion of Tasso's poetic and biographic parable. [Publisher's text]

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Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa : LVIII, 1, 2022