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Una (quasi) sconosciuta miscellanea quattrocentesca veneziana della Biblioteca Generale della Custodia di Terra Santa e le sue prestigiose miniature

2021 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 259-284

The article examines the composite volume INC A 41 in the general library of the Custodia di Terra Santa in Jerusalem, which contains two copies of Venetian editions printed in the early 1480s. In addition to providing a bibliographical description of the volume, the article reconstructs its history through its indications of provenance. A subsequent analysis of the illustrative apparatus found in the two editions leads to some significant conclusions, which identify the miniatures as being influenced by the most prestigious school of book decoration of the period in Venice. [Publisher's text]

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Bibliofilia : rivista di storia del libro e di bibliografia : CXXIII, 2/3, 2021