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Iulius Paulus : ad edictum libri IV-XVI

2022 - L'Erma di Bretschneider

xiii, 364 p.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-334) and index (p. 337-338).

The volume brings together the new results from the research on Paul's libri ad edictum. Books fourth to sixteenth are taken into account concluding the analysis concerning the prima pars edicti with the comment on the title quibus causis praeiudicium fieri non oportet. From a palingenetic point of view, some of the hypotheses formulated by Lenel have been reconsidered, especially in the reconstruction of the sixth, seventh and ninth book. In relation to the features of Paul's scientific elaboration, the tendency to work following the tradition is confirmed, through comparison with the knowledge of the jurists who had preceded him and in a framework in which, on the whole, innovations introduced by the prince or by the normative activity of the Senate are not very prominent. [Publisher's text]

Collected essays.

Julius Paulus (active approximately 200).