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Mobilità, infrastrutture e just in time economy : l'integrazione logistica europea e lo spazio di flussi tedesco

2021 - Franco Angeli

160-180 p.

The European integration process was undoubtedly also aimed at building a logistics space. The building of homologated transnational infrastructures has set the pace of Community construction. With an attention to these material processes, in the article the author will go through the European long 20th century to draw a parable of surprising continuity that links the work of States and agents of railway governance in the late 19th century with the dynamics that led to the affi rmation of the justintime economy after the fi nancial crisis of 2008. In this context, Germany plays a decisive role. [Publisher's text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : XX, 1, 2021