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Modelli politici e processi di istituzionalizzazione come vettori di esclusione e marginalità sociale : il caso dei campi rom e dei ghetti agricoli

2021 - Franco Angeli

40-61 p.

This paper has two objectives. The first is to describe the similarities and differences between the dynamics of exclusion produced by the Roma camps places of housing segregation directly or indirectly managed by Italian municipalities and the Agricultural ghettos places of housing segregation created informally to house foreign seasonal workers. The second objective is to analyse the public interventions implemented so far by Italian institutions to address the housing issue of population groups Incorrectly intended as homogenous and having common needs. In the cases of the Roma and the foreign seasonal workers, the Italian institutions have mainly used an emergency approach based on exceptionality, which has produced and still produces significant contradictions and forms of social exclusion. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia urbana e rurale : XLIII, 125, 2021