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Verso una valutazione COVID-safe e COVID-ready : didattica, famiglia e territorio ai tempi del COVID-19 : il caso della gazzetta olimpica, giornale della scuola e del quartiere

2019 - Franco Angeli

7-22 p.

This work explores limits and potentialities of the evaluative field research at the time of Covid19, taking as example the evaluation of the project "La Gazzetta Olimpica, journal of the school and the neighborhood". The project was born with the aim of supporting the editorial board of the newspaper "La Gazzetta Olimpica", across the spectrum of the various distance education activities put in place by the teachers working for the elementary school "Olympic Village" in Rome during Covid19 lockdown. The observation of the educational activities, the interviews through digital platforms and the analysis of children's laboratory products are the main observational tools by which the development of children's ability to represent reality and translate it into communicative products (aimed to be disseminated in the neighborhood) have been evaluated.

The focus of this analysis is on the impact that the digitalisation of teaching has had on the relations between children, between children and teachers and also between the school and the rest of the community. [Publisher's text].

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 75, 3, 2019